Introduction to ASE

Use the Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE) library with Quantum Espresso

Corentin Morice
University Paris-Saclay

Add band path for BS plotting

Make a cube file and integrate it

In this tutorial, we will learn how to use ASE (Atomic Simulation Environment), a python library for pre- and post-processing density functional theory (DFT) calculations. We start by importing the libraries we will need.

# Libraries
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import read, write
from ase.visualize import view
from import make_supercell

ASE can read the input and output of Quantum Espresso calculations, using the function read.

inputFile = read("",format="espresso-in")    # Read the input file
outputFile = read("Si.scf.out",format="espresso-out") # Read the output file

This function can also read many types of other files, including CIF files. It is then possible to extract the information contained in the variables inputFile and outputFile. For example, we can plot the crystal structure.

view(inputFile, repeat=(2,2,2))
<Popen: returncode: None args: ['/Users/cmorice/anaconda3/bin/python', '-m',...>

Notice that here, we repeated the unit cell twice along each lattice vector. It is also possible to read what the lattice defined in the input file is, and display some information about it.

lattice = inputFile.cell.get_bravais_lattice()     # Find the Bravais lattice defined in the input file
print(lattice.description())                       # Print the description of the lattice
  Variant name: FCC
  Special point names: GKLUWX
  Default path: GXWKGLUWLK,UX

  Special point coordinates:
    G   0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
    K   0.3750  0.3750  0.7500
    L   0.5000  0.5000  0.5000
    U   0.6250  0.2500  0.6250
    W   0.5000  0.2500  0.7500
    X   0.5000  0.0000  0.5000

As you can see, this yields the lattice type (face-centred cubic) and lattice constant, the coordinates of high-symmetry points in the Brillouin zone, and a default path in the Brillouin zone, which can be used to plot band structures. Is is also possible to plot the Brillouin zone, along with the high-symmetry points and the default path.

<Figure size 480x480 with 1 Axes>

One can also use ASE to create a supercell from the crystal structure contained in the input file. For example, we can repeat the unit cell twice along each lattice vector.

supercell = make_supercell(inputFile,2*np.eye(3))
<Popen: returncode: None args: ['/Users/cmorice/anaconda3/bin/python', '-m',...>

This supercell can then, like any ASE crystal structure, be used to generate a Quantum Espresso input file.

inp_data = {'calculation':'scf', 'restart_mode':'from_scratch', 'pseudo_dir':'.',
            'outdir' : 'tmp/', 'prefix':'Si-supercell',
            'ibrav' : 2, 'ntyp':1 , 'nat':2, 'occupations':'smearing', 'degauss':0.05, 'ecutwfc':18,
            'mixing_beta':0.7, 'conv_thr':1e-8}
pseudodict = {'Si': 'Si.pz-vbc.UPF'}

write('', interface, pseudopotentials=pseudodict, input_data=inp_data, kpts=(4,4,4))

Since this is coded in Python, it is possible to make input files using variables within the parameters of the input file, or even in this name, for example write(''%(i)...

If the calculation is a relaxation, it is possible to select, out of all the crystal structures in the output, which structure to read, using the variable index. For example, here, we read all the structures used during the relaxation calculation.

outputRelaxation = read("Si.relax.out",index=':',format="espresso-out")

In this case, because outputRelaxation contains many crystal structures, view will put all of them in a sequence, which can be read like a video.


ASE can read the output of a calculation along a path in the Brillouin zone, just like any other output.

outputBandFile = read("",format="espresso-out")

It is then possible to extract the calculated energies as an instance of ase.spectrum.band_structure.BandStructure, and to plot them as a band structure.

bs = outputBandFile.calc.band_structure()            # Extracts the energies
fermi_energy = outputBandFile.calc.get_fermi_level() # Extracts the Fermi energy
bs.reference = fermi_energy                          # Set the reference of the plot at the Fermi energy
bs.plot(emin=-10, emax=20)                           # Plot the band structure

It is also possible to store this plot in a file.

bs.plot(emin=-10, emax=20, filename='Si.png')

For later

# Creating band paths
mybandpath = inputFile.cell.bandpath()
mybandpath = inputFile.cell.bandpath('GKL')
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